
Sunday, July 13, 2014

July So Far

It's been a chaotic past week-far too much going on to include in one Facebook status update; so I figured I would just do a quick blog post to update everyone on where I've been and why the unplanned social media absence!

Sam and I left on the 4th to head down to the Tampa area to help out with a family situation; my  father-in-law has been very sick this year battling lymphoma and hadn't been doing well, so we knew we needed to come down for a visit.

 Originally, Sam was going to come down by himself on the 4th and then I was going to fly down later the next week for a visit and we would come back together. However the night before we left, I felt so strongly that I needed to come with him right away and not wait that I packed up my bags and we hit the road very early Friday morning to make the 16 hour drive to Florida.

When we arrived, I knew why I'd had the feeling that I should come with Sam; his father was very sick and weak.  He did pass away during the night on Sunday and it has been a tumultuous time for all.
When I walked out of  the hospital Monday morning around 6am, for the first time in about 12 hours, I looked up in the sky and saw the most beautiful dawn rainbow;  I knew that the rainbow was a sign that he was peaceful now, and it did bring some sort of solace to us all.

After all of the trials of the past week, we finally have all of the arrangements made and will be heading back to Va around the end of this week.

Thank you all for your thoughts and support during this time, it is very much appreciated.  I'm looking forward to getting back to work into the furniture factory next week and participating in some much needed paint therapy!

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